Sunday, February 10, 2008

Bill was in vancouver.

here was gas town in vancouver. I felt so bored and tired
to watch over. I love this picture that is a natural pose.
I used to dream to be a model when i was in university,
so i have worked as a model in entertainment company.
If i come back my country, I may get this job. ^^


Kristi said...

Wow! You really could a model! How long were you in Vancouver? What was your favourite place? I really like that picture. It looks like you had lots of fun!

Anonymous said...

Ba Bo koo sam~~kkk
I know your all trues~ Joke^^
I'll go back to Korea soon..So,don't forget me...^^

Randy said...

oops~@! How nice picture~~haha

Are you gonna be a model???

We can be the best friend!!